About Us
Our Vision
WASSA envisions Afghanistan as a co-existing society free of any form of violence and discrimination in which everyone has equal rights and access to basic needs, social justice, and dignity.
Our Mission
To facilitate humanitarian assistance, social empowerment, sustain durable solutions, and access to human rights in Afghanistan through the strategic goals and objectives of WASSA.
Our Values
Honesty: WASSA tries to be honest, transparent, and reliable in all aspects of deals.
Commitment: WASSA is committed to best serve Afghans effectively and constructively. Locally lead, globally skilled accountable to stakeholders.
About Us
An efficient, accountable, transparent and community supporter organization, the Women’s Activities and Social Services Association (WASSA) was established in 2002 as Afghanistan's first women’s independent organization.
WASSA aims to promote women’s equal participation in socio-economic sectors of the country, is committed to seeking ways for women empowerment, and works directly with communities to bring change in the social attitude of the society in Afghanistan.
WASSA throughout its lifetime has implemented various projects in the Western Region committedly and accountable. WASSA has played a positive role as a civil society promoter and has supported various projects successfully. Meanwhile, WASSA is known as the most capable NGO in the Western region for implementing protection activities.
WASSA has actively and effectively been implementing projects after the change of regime in 2021. WASSA being the strategic partner to some donors has been supporting society empowerment and humanitarian assistance via protection, livelihood, food security, Health, nutrition and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene as well as socioeconomic resilience projects in the Western Region.
Where we are
WASSA Membership (Network)
Following its establishment, WASSA has been an active member of the UN coordination body. All activities of WASSA are aligned with SGD and as per the relevant clusters of funding UN agencies. WASSA is currently a member of: ACBAR, OCHA, AHF, Protection, CP, FSAC, Education, WASH, ES/NFI, Health clusters; PSEA, GBV, AAP, Giha, sub-clusters and Working Groups; Afghan Civil Society Forum, “Afghan Women Network”, “Women in Persian Speaking Countries”, “WE CAN Campaign”, “Women Living Under Muslim Law”, And is aiming to be active member of Nutrition and WASH cluster in year 2024-25.